Guide | How to prepare for court - For penal matters

Guide | How to prepare for court - For penal matters
Only for penal cases
The information in this guide only applies to cases related to penal law. In other words, it applies to what we usually call tickets and fines.
Penal law is vast. It includes many types of offences set out by federal, provincial and municipal laws, bylaws and regulations. Penal offences aren’t crimes. This means that they don’t lead to a criminal record.
Here are some examples of penal offences:
- Highway Safety Code violations, such as speeding, using a phone while driving, or not wearing a seat belt.
- Municipal bylaw offences, such as noise violations or disobeying regulations related to your house or yard.
- Violations of the Tobacco Control Act, such as selling tobacco to a minor.
This guide does not apply to you if your case is related to another type of law, such as family law or civil law. It also does not apply to special requests, or recourses such as appeals.
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